The Florey Institute
Deploying TrakGene on AWS AppStream 2.0 for access across hospital and university sites.
The Goal
The Florey Institute wanted to deploy TrakGene for a relatively small number of users that worked across multiple sites and domains. The goal was to deploy TrakGene in The Florey’s own AWS environment that they control and maintain.
Users wanted to be able to access TrakGene securely from multiple locations on a range of devices (both PCs and Macs). In addition to having shared access to electronic patient records, linking to associated shared files such as letters, results and images was also highly desirable.
The deployment needed to be cost effective and low maintenance, whilst still providing opportunity to scale out the deployment in future as the number of users grows.
Client Name
The Florey Institute
The Solution
The deployment used AWS AppStream 2.0 to deploy TrakGene as an on-demand and scalable service that users access through a web browser from any device. The on-demand nature of the deployment means that AWS fees for AppStream are only incurred when users are actively using TrakGene.
All the data is stored securely on an encrypted Relational Database Service (RDS), with daily backups and high availability configured to protect data and ensure business continuity.
Deploying Active Directory and an FSx File System provided access to a file share for all users of TrakGene, allowing any users to view or add files and link them to an electronic patient record.
The Outcome
The Florey Institute users now have access to Genetics Healthcare Records and pedigree charts stored in TrakGene from both hospital and university locations. The deployment is on an AWS instance owned and maintained by The Florey Institute, fulfilling information security compliance requirements.