Hello! We are TrakGene
Streamlining healthcare one line of code at a time.
About Us
A team of like minded people with a shared vision to enhance healthcare with digital solutions that solve problems.
Our journey started in 2011 and since then we have continued to grow and diversify, developing new solutions for genetics healthcare professionals that enhance clinical workflows and patient experiences.

Our Journey
We have a number of exciting developments and projects underway. Keep an eye out for what comes next.
A collaboration with industry partners resulted in a telegenetics solution for delivering genetics services to remote patients.
The launch of our Patient Engagement Portals allows clinicians to capture family history, consents and other patient data electronically and securely direct from the patient. Useful resources can also be shared with patients through the portal, enriching the patient journey.
Digital solution developed for storing data relating to billable activity and submitting Medicare claims.
The adoption and implementation of the updated standardized pedigree nomenclature ensures that our pedigrees and genomic health records remain inclusive and aligned with industry best practice.
Proud to be chosen by Genetics Services in Asia and China.
We launched our native cloud app to drawing pedigrees and capturing family history.
We expanded our pre-clinic data collection solution beyond Family History data capture to allow clinicians and researchers to design their own data collection instruments.
Following a number of prototype cloud deployments, we embark on a hybrid-cloud pilot project with one of the worlds largest clinical genetics services. The TrakGene Family History Questionnaire Web App for collecting pre-clinic information is developed and tested. One of the largest US genetics groups signs on.
Metabolic genetics module released and metabolic genetics service commences utilising TrakGene. Additional sites in the EU start using TrakGene, expanding our reach across Europe. TrakGene and other industry leaders co-found the first genetics industry alliance in in Australia (InGeNa).

Andrew Grant
Commercialisation and Business Development

Kathryn Van Diemen
Chief Operating Officer and Clinical Specialist

Tim Jackson
Leads on Innovation, Technology and Research

Matt Burgess
Educational Programme Development