The NHS Genomic Medicine Centres (NHS GMCs) work with a range of NHS organisations to enhance the recruitment of eligible participants to the 100,000 Genomes Project. There are currently 13 NHS GMCs across England, all of which utilise a range of genetics information systems to assist them in their role. A variety of informatic solutions […]
We have been following the trials and developments of the application of telemedicine in Genetics, which has produced some positive results. Telemedicine uses technology to bridge the geographical gaps between the clinician and the patient. Rather that a clinician having to travel to different areas to run clinics, or patients travelling to see the clinician, […]
We are proud to be a Gene Panel Member Sponsor at the APCHG 2017 Conference. This is the 12th APCHG Conference, with more information and a full programme available from
We are really looking forward to attending the the APCGH conference on the 8th November. Kathryn Van Diemen will be presenting to the Genetic Counselling workshop on “Delivering better patient outcomes using the TrakGene Clinical Genetics software management tool”.
We’ve been busy this last week installing TrakGene and providing training to the Finland Genetics Service. We were contacted earlier in the year by the Folkhälsan Genetics Clinic in Finland, who were looking for a solution to managing genetics patient information. They were using a combination of tools, including a homegrown Access database. They were […]
At TrakGene, was have always prided ourselves on providing clinical genetics database solutions that are designed by clinicians, for clinicians. We have been busy over the last few months gathering more feedback from our existing clients and other organisations in the genetics healthcare industry to look at the future requirements are of a clinical genetics […]
We are delighted to announce the launch of our new website. We have made it easier for you to discover the features of the clinical genetics database solution that we offer, including screenshots and videos so that you can see exactly what our software looks like and can do. Our Features page is a good […]